So this week is all about the organic cleaning liquid we make for the washing machine here in the Vegetarium. Believe it or not this place is very famous with…Continue readingOrganic Cleaning Liquid
Bright and conscious beings, guardians of these secret places please accept us as your guest and god bless you ”Greetings to bright minds, perfect souls, noble hearts, to all who…Continue readingRila Mountain – The Spiritual Summer School
Up in the Rila Mountains things happen differently. Time goes by slower, but days go by faster. People try to be closer to the divine, but also litter and play…Continue readingRila Mountains – The Seven Lakes
Sometimes plants die. Yup, no matter how hard we try our best to keep the plants alive, some plants just don’t get that old. Therefore, it is very beneficial to…Continue readingMaking Plants form Plants
In this weeks post i am going to write about the liquid fertilizer we make in Vegetarium. It is based on Rudolf Steiner’s version of a fertilizer. And it really…Continue readingLiquid Gold
Urtica Dioica Otherwise known as: common nettle, burn nettle, nettle and stinger Most people know the stinging nettle, and probably have some itchy childhood memories about them. Which is less…Continue readingEdible Plants – Stingy Nettle
Plantain is a weed that is commonly found in grasslands, backyards and besides the road. In Vegetarium this weed grows e v e r y w h e r e.…Continue readingEdible Plants – Plantains
This week i will be writing about my trip to Staro Stefanovo village in Bulgaria. There i visited the Green association. They were having around 30 volunteers for a short…Continue readingStaro Stefanovo village
Horses are animals which have a lot of character. Here in the Vegetarium I got the chance to get some experience with them. The horses here go by the names…Continue readingRada and Pepi