Greenhouse care

For my my first week in the project in Vegetarium I decided to write about the greenhouse maintenance and care. I was instructed by Barbara and Filip about what is need from me to do in order for it to thrive and i took the responsibility about it. We have different species of plants – cucumbers, tomatoes, basil, parsley, fennel, mangold, kale, arugula, some wild Malva silvestris sp. and nettles and more..
They are all in different stages of their development. Some are young plants other are flowering right, some are producing fruits now and some are in the stage of developing seeds. The mangold plant for example now is feeding it’s seeds and when they are ready the will fowl on the ground and this way it will way it will continue to grow and spread and regrow again. I think this is a very efficient and clever thing to do. Another important thing i would like to say is how helpful it is to mulch the ground properly. This practice maintains moisture in the soil and prevents the growth of unwanted plants in the greenhouse. So i think it’s a must have if you want to manage your greenhouse properly and intelligently. And lastly when we grow our own food and see what it takes to produce it you cannot help but feel some gratitude and thankfulness when you put it in your dish.

written by Dragomir Angelov