Say hey to the hay

Collecting hay was our bane for some time. After a hot day, we were all exhausted from work and the only thing we dreamed about was rest, but then it appeared – grass drying all day waiting to be gathered in one place. For some time, every day at the evening meeting, it was decided whether we were going to move on with this task at least a little. The decisions varied, sometimes we formed a team, took the tools and when in the evening there was a moment of relief from the extreme heat, we started collecting hay, and sometimes we decided that we don’t have energy to do anything today. The days with this task dragged on inexorably, but finally one day we managed to finish it. However, will hay after this situation be associated only negatively? I don’t think so, because in addition to the moments that were unpleasant, there were moments that filled us with joy. When we formed a larger team, we could see the progress of our work really quickly, we learned new techniques to create piles of hay consisting of layers, which made it easier to move them to the trailer later. We were often accompanied by laughter, sometimes music, and above all, the awareness that what we do makes sense. In the end, we filled two large hay spots and had one more pile left, which we covered to keep out the rain. When we finished with this task, there was no end to joy 😀
Written by Joanna