Essentials in Polyculture
For thousands For of years Man has been studying and delving into the natural phenomena and structure. In the science and practice of the Permaculture approach, man studies and copies the natural phenomena and structure and creates agricultural systems. Thus, permaculture design owes its success to the natural yet highly productive systems reproduced by humans. They function cost-effectively, thanks to essential natural principles and methods that our open-pragmatic version presents. The principles consist of knowledge, skills, attitudes and techniques borrowed from Nature itself. They also encompass the human experience of all past and present successful cultures and schools.
One of these methods we call “Polyculture”, or also “Plant Guild”, or “Food Forest”. On one hand the method is based on the purely evolutionary conditioning of the “forest” ecosystem as the most functionally complex and productive ecosystem on the planet. And on the other hand – the main characteristics which define a forest as such: biodiversity and stratification – prerequisites for sustainability and productivity. That is, to have different types of plants, animals, fungi and organisms in general, and also for them to coexist above one another – from the upper and light, to the lower and dark. The polycultural food forest is one such human replication of the stratification and biodiversity observed in the wild:

In fact, plantations made according to the Food Forest method give a lower yield than that of conventional monoculture plantations (composed of only one species) – if we consider the amount of fruit per specimen of a given species (for example an apple). But if we look at yields per unit area, the polyculture system will provide its owner with more and more diverse crops at a lower cost, compared to conventional and/or industrial planting. This is due to the different types of mutually beneficial grasses, shrubs, low and tall trees. That is, from one unit of area, the permaculture farmer will collect less apples but in addition to that there will be harvests of herbs, berries, mushrooms and more, as well as biomass which can be used for animal fodder or for enriching soil fertility.
Another advantage of the polyculture system is its resistance to extreme climatic events, such as droughts, floods and storms. A properly composed polyculture is also resistant to most pests due to the Allelopathic phenomenon in which some plants protect themselves and others from various harmful agents. A mutual benefit is obtained for all species in the system.
The polycultural food forest also reveals a completely new dimension of benefits and profit: its aesthetic appearance which is similar to a paradise plant labyrinth. It gives us the opportunity to use the plantation for recreational purposes, tourism, educational activities, cultural exchange and hosting various events.
In order to achieve commercial productivity, we can orient a given polyculture system around one Main species, the yield of which is most valuable to us. In a case like this the other species in the system would be selected and organized in a way that favors the development of the Main Crop Species.
Below we’ve provided you with links to various sites with specific “recipes” for Polyculture in favor of a certain type of Main Crop for wholesale yields. This way you will profit by getting yields from one main crop, effectively retaining the benefits of conventional monoculture and avoiding its drawbacks. You get an optimal environment for the development of this main crop and its stability in an ecological way, without the use of harmful substances – without unnecessary and harmful costs. The additional advantage of the polyculture system is the sum of all the other fruits, mushrooms, herbs and benefits of the supporting species of the main crop and of the system as a whole.
As an example we can take a look at the polycultural food forest of our partners in Central America. There, the main income-generating crop of the farm is the cacao tree. Cacao is supported by avocados and bananas, which serve as food for the workers and are heavily pruned for biomass and mulching (useful organic blanket in the garden). Their formation favors the development of profitable cocoa plantations, providing mottled shade, wind protection and nourishment – the ideal conditions in which cocoa grows are imitated, and the resulting biomass enriches soil fertility and the habitat as a whole.
The principle models for Polyculture planting that we present should be adapted for your own purposes and oriented in favor of your desired Main Crop (if you choose such an option). We, from the Integra Foundation and Home Vegetarium essentialize and share with you on one hand the principles and on the other – we synthesize the decades of experience that we and our consultants have at our disposal in the form of specific guidelines for creating and arranging the types of plants by levels (see below).
So everything starts from the principles of success – inspired and guaranteed by Nature herself. But what follows is their adaptation to your particular needs, conditions, possibilities and dreams, oriented in favor of your desired Main Crop (if this is one). For example: the degree of care by the farmer, such as pruning, watering, etc., will depend on the location of the polyculture plantation in the general map of the farm.

A freshly planted Polyculture: November 2023. Vegetarium Home, Permaculture Zone 2.
Main crop: Apple and Pear

The same Polyculture in development: May 2024
In permaculture Zone 1, which is in immediate proximity to the house you can provide more regular monitoring, more care, intensive pruning and maintain a certain size and shape of your chosen plant species.
The further away from your home a permaculture system is (for example, located in Zone 2 or 3), the less often it should need maintenance input. Then you will organize the relationships between the plants in this system in a way that suits the time, energy and effort you are willing to devote to its maintenance.
Let’s recall the basic principles: as close as possible to the home, we place the plants that need more care and more regular monitoring – exotic, small, very valuable or ones that we need constantly (ingredients for a salad, for example):
In Zone 1 we have the types of plants and animals that need regular, everyday care;
In Zone 2 – we have species that will need our attention once or twice a week;
Permaculture Zone 3 most often contains our main income crops or crops from which we expect significant yields – but we visit them intensively only at certain points in the life cycle of the main species.
We recommend that plants in Zone 3 be organized in spatial patterns that are easier for executing maintenance services, for example in straight lines or terraces. We anticipate maintenance by machinery.
That is, if you have a house with a small yard (300-600 sq.m.) – you only have Perma Zones 1 and 2.
We can summarize that the spatial location of the Polycultural System within our farm will be determined by the level of maintenance we invest in it. Inside the system – the types of plants making up each floor (layer) of the Polyculture will be determined by the needs of the farmer, the conditions of the environment and the need for maintenance.
So for example, the same kind of plant (i.e. a pear tree) will be in Floor 2 (Low Tree Layer) when pear is the main crop. So we would easily prune and harvest it.
Although in nature the pear is a tall tree (Floor 1), or it directly breaks through the other trees and opens above them (Floor 0 – Breakthrough Layer), when it is a main crop, we want it to start fruiting at early – at 3-4 years of age and to bear a lot of fruit. Therefore, when it is a main crop, we prune intensively so that the trees remain small and stocky – so that their strength goes into fruiting.
With a main crop of hazelnut and aronia which are from Floor 2 or 3 (tall bushes or low trees, it depends on how we shape them), the pear tree would be present in the polyculture with a smaller number of specimens, which would be left to naturally occupy their Floor 1 (Tall Tree Layer), or would be shaped to occupy Floor 0 (Breakthrough Layer). Pear shade would roam without interfering with the main crops. A tall pear tree would protect from the wind, reduce evaporation, strengthen the slope, produce biomass and attract beneficial birds. Although they are not a main crop, we would still collect pears from the ground, sometimes wood, and in spring bees would collect nectar and pollen.
The significantly greater resilience of the polyculture food forest compared to industrial plantations is based on the very laws of nature which show the following: A forest consisting of different species (biodiversity) and of different layers (storeys) is much more resistant to natural phenomena and cataclysms, pests and pollution, compared to a large amount of individual specimens of one species growing in a monoculture field (conventional agriculture). The Polycultural Food Forest provides all the benefits of a forest, including its ability to protect nearby settlements from disasters and unwanted phenomena.
Thus, we recommend the Polycultural Food Forest as an optimal option for utilizing your land. This development scenario provides both stable income from an ecologically produced Main Crop, a wide variety of additional income from the supporting species and the resulting favorable living environment.
The Polyculture principle states that in order to have a restorative, healing (regenerative) and soil-forming effect, 33% of the area of the Polyculture must be covered by trees, some of which tall ones (Floors 0 and 1).
This allows:
1. A combination of tall tree species with valuable wood to provide you with a significant income every 15 years – each new generation of people would be able to cut and sell half of them;
2. Low trees, vines, bushes, herbs, roots and mushrooms to provide your main crops and income every year;
3. Numerous supporting plants with diverse forage, protection and ecological function.
The advantage is that the territory arranged in such a way requires less care than the conventional way and produces more. Also, a full 66% of the territory remains, and thus you can optionally add:
cereals, vegetables, legumes, root crops, herb crops, pasture animals and birds in electrically fenced pastures, and also:
opportunities for recreation, tourism, educational activities, cultural exchange and various events in the heavenly environment of the Food Forest.
Of course, a combination of all of the above is possible, following principles such as Crop Rotation, Holistic Pasture and a dozen others that make up Integral Earth Management and which we at Integra essentialize and will provide information on in our other articles.
Polyculture restores and heals (regenerates) the lands dedicated to it: it improves soil fertility, provides resistance to drought and floods, is able to absorb large amounts of precipitation into the ground and preserve its moisture for subsequent droughts.
In this sense, polycultural plantations represent an optimal option for the restoration of springs, watersheds and river basins, and for the purification of surface and underground water from the poisons of conventional agriculture and for the protection of the population from various natural disasters. These paradises provide fertile soil, clean air, clean water, building materials, firewood, cooling in the heat and protection from storms. They represent the ideal clean environment for the growth and development of rich communities.
Polyculture is the cultivation of more than one type of plant at the same time and in the same place, and has been practiced since ancient times to the present day. With industrial development, monoculture became the dominant approach in the 20th century, growing a single plant crop on a given area.
As we have understood, Polyculture serves multiple functions in agricultural ecology, including controlling insect pests, plant diseases, and weeds. It can contribute to sustainable agriculture because, unlike monocultures, it does not rely on pesticides, requires less tillage, increases native biodiversity and, when legumes are included, helps maintain nitrogen in the soil.
Allelopathy in Polyculture represents symbiosis and the mutual aid between plants. It tells us that we should value and encourage diversity. Integrating the different instead of separating it when it comes to growing our food.
Polyculture guilds with a Main Crop type are a great way to produce efficiently, promoting biodiversity, reducing the need for fertilizers and increasing overall yield.
To compose a successful Polyculture, we must carefully choose which plants to place next to each other and also how to direct them to occupy the correct Floor (Layer). If we can, we will find solutions to many of the problems commonly encountered in monoculture systems.
We know surprisingly little about the many interactions that occur between neighboring plants. But we know that plants can help each other in different and sometimes surprising ways, as long as they are properly combined. To achieve the right combination, we should arrange the plants in the Food Forest according to their nature. To place them in the beds at appropriate distances, which depend on the size in which we want to keep them and also to direct them to occupy at a height appropriate for them, a Floor (Layer) that corresponds to their characteristics so that they both feel good and are able to contribute to the success of the overall Polyculture.
The polycultural method is an inexact science. Some combinations of plants will produce beneficial effects, others will produce weak results.
It is important to remember that what works well in one situation, in one area, will not necessarily be as successful in another. Therefore, here we will share basic principle placements, introducing each Floor and providing some types of plants that are suitable to occupy it. The information was obtained by observing nature, studying the intricacies of the different species and also by trial and error. We suggest to you this: use these guidelines, experiment, observe, describe and interact with your plants. This way you will not “discover the hot water”, but you will be backed up by the experience of those before you. However, remember that the principles should be adapted to your particular environment, goals and ways of doing things. Thus, your attempts will be based on expert guidance and knowledge, but you yourself will develop Polycultural science and practice – these very important modern directions of human knowledge.
Here is a brief introduction to the 9 Layers of a Food Forest and a specific list of plants that can grow well on each Floor (Layer). The plants we present can be grown in the temperate climate of Central Europe. We remind you that belonging to a certain floor is relative and depends on the layout you will set for your plants. That is, you yourself will direct the plant where to live and you will achieve a good result if you take into account its anatomy and morphology.
0. Emergent layer:
The emergent layer is the uppermost layer of the tropical rainforests that is above 45 meters (150 feet) from the ground. The trees in this layer are usually the tallest trees in a forest, which can grow more than 30 meters (100 ft) tall when fully mature. Trees in this layer are usually hardwoods such as oak, maple and beech and conifers such as pine, spruce and fir. The resulting layer is characterized by a windy and humid microclimate due to the lack of shelter, which makes it unpleasant for most plant and animal species to live. The canopy layer, on the other hand, is characterized by a warmer and drier microclimate, which is favorable for plant growth in this Layer.
In temperate European Polyculture, the Emergent Layer is not often used as it is in tropical rainforests. However, the tallest trees in the guild, which can grow up to 30 meters (100 ft) tall when fully mature, can be considered as a part of the Emergent Layer.
Trees in this layer are usually hardwood trees such as walnut (Juglans regia), cherry (Prunus avium) and pear (Pyrus communis).
The trees in this layer also help stabilize the soil and provide habitat for beneficial insects and birds. In short, the emergent layer in temperate climates are the trees that can grow straight up through the forest to break through to the top and then open up, like the beech tree.
Walnut (Juglans regia), Cherry (Prunus avium), Pear (Pyrus communis).
1. Tall Tree Layer/Higher Canopy:
In the polyculture plant guilds, the second layer is called the canopy or tall tree layer. This layer consists of trees that are about 9 to 30 meters (30 to 100 ft) tall when fully mature. Trees in this layer are usually hardwoods such as oak, maple and beech and evergreens such as pine, spruce , and fir. The canopy layer provides a microclimate that is warmer and drier than the understory layer, which is beneficial for plant growth in this layer.
Trees in this layer also help stabilize the soil and provide habitat for beneficial insects and birds.
Oak (Quercus), beech (Fagus), chestnut (Castanea), walnut (Juglans regia), pine (Pinus), spruce (Picea), fir (Abies), larch (Larix), hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), linden (Tilia ) ), maple (Acer), ash (Fraxinus), elm (Ulmus), apple (Malus), pear (Pyrus communis), cherry (Prunus avium), plum (Prunus domestica), peach (Prunus persica), apricot ( Prunus armeniaca), quince (Cydonia oblonga), medlar (Mespilus germanica), mulberry (Morus), elder (Sambucus), grain (Amelanchier).
2. Lower Canopy/Large Shrub Layer:
In the polyculture plant guilds, the third layer is called the under canopy or large shrub layer. This layer consists of trees that are about 3 to 9 meters (10 to 30 ft) tall when fully mature. Shrubs in this layer are usually perennial plants that do not grow as tall as trees, but reach a height of 3 meters (10 feet). These include berries (currants, raspberries, blueberries, etc.) and medicinal plants such as rose, witch hazel and elderberry. The sub-layer of the cover provides a microclimate that is cooler and wetter than the cover layer, which is beneficial for plant growth in this layer. Trees in this layer also help stabilize the soil and provide habitat for beneficial insects and birds.
Using Polyculture for intensive production, we will place here our main crops, so the list of varieties will contain any of the species we will prune and care for,on the aim to obtain a maximal production.
3. Shrub layer:
The shrub layer is a layer of plants that grow relatively close to the ground and is characterized by woody vegetation. Shrubs and blackberries grow where enough light passes through the canopy to support shrub growth. Plants in this layer are known for their ability to improve soil structure, increase nutrient availability, and enhance plant growth.
The shrub layer includes currant (Ribes), gooseberry (Ribes), blueberry (Vaccinium), raspberry (Rubus idaeus), blackberry (Rubus fruticosus), honeysuckle (Lonicera), rose (Rosa), lilac (Syringa vulgaris), dogwood (Cornus), marsh (Myrica), spicebush (Lindera benzoin), witch hazel (Hamamelis), Cornelian cherry dogwood (Cornus mas), sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides), gum berry (Elaeagnus multiflora), elder (Sambucus), serviceberry (Amelanchier).
4. Herbaceous layer:
Herbaceous plants are non-woody plants, such as most ferns and grasses, that either form small amounts of hard woody tissue or none at all 1. The herbaceous layer is a layer of plants that grow low to the ground and are often used for culinary and medical purposes.
Plants in this layer include asparagus (Asparagus officinalis), rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum), chives (Allium schoenoprasum), garlic (Allium sativum), onions (Allium cepa), leeks (Allium ampeloprasum), shallots (Allium cepa var. aggregatum), artichoke (Cynara cardunculus), strawberry (Fragaria), raspberry (Rubus idaeus), blackberry (Rubus fruticosus), blueberry (Vaccinium), currant (Ribes), gooseberry (Ribes), nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus), marigold (Tagetes), sorrel (Rumex), French sorrel (Rumex acetosa), lovage (Levisticum officinale), chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium), salad burnet (Sanguisorba minor), chicory (Cichorium intybus), dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), burdock (Arctium lappa), salsify (Tragopogon porrifolius), scorzonera (Scorzonera hispanica), skirret (Sium sisarum), comfrey (Symphytum officinale), yarrow (Achillea millefolium), chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), lavender (Lavandula), sage (Salvia), thyme (Thymus), oregano (Origanum vulgare), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), dill (Anethum graveolens), anise, hyssop (Agastache foeniculum), bee balm (Monarda didyma), catnip (Nepeta cataria), lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), peppermint (Mentha), blue false indigo (Baptisia australis), sweet cicely (Myrrhis odorata), sweet woodruff (Galium odoratum), wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca).
5. Ground cover:
Ground cover plants are low-growing plants that spread quickly and densely, covering the soil and suppressing weed growth. They are a great way to add visual interest to your garden while providing a range of benefits such as erosion control, weed suppression and soil improvement.
Plants in this layer include clover (Trifolium), alfalfa (Medicago sativa), vetiver (Vicia), wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca), creeping thyme (Thymus serpyllum), sedge (Sedum), bugleweed (Ajuga reptans), creeping jenny (Lysimachia nummularia), sweet woodruff (Galium odoratum), Corsican mint (Mentha requienii), Irish moss (Sagina subulata), baby’s tears (Soleirolia soleirolii), brass buttons (Leptinella squalida), woolly thyme (Thymus pseudolanuginosus), creeping speedwell (Veronica repens), Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile), creeping rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis prostratus), creeping savory (Satureja spicigera).
6. Rhizosphere layer:
The rhizosphere is the narrow region of the soil or substrate that is directly affected by root secretions and the closely associated soil microorganisms known as the root microbiome. Soil pores in the rhizosphere can contain many bacteria and other microorganisms that feed on detached plant cells, called rhizoposition. The rhizosphere is the most biologically active layer of the soil; inhabited by microorganisms that interact with and take advantage of chemicals released by plant roots. Plants in the rhizosphere layer are known for their ability to improve soil structure, increase nutrient availability, and enhance plant growth.
Plants in this layer include horseradish (Armoracia rusticana), burdock (Arctium lappa), dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), chicory (Cichorium intybus), Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus), sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius), turmeric (Curcuma longa), ginger (Zingiber officinale), licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), comfrey (Symphytum officinale), borage (Borago officinalis), calendula (Calendula officinalis), clover (Trifolium), alfalfa (Medicago sativa), salsify (Tragopogon porrifolius), scorzonera (Scorzonera hispanica), skirret (Sium sisarum), carrot (Daucus carota), parsnip (Pastinaca sativa), radish (Raphanus sativus), turnip (Brassica rapa), beetroot (Beta vulgaris), onion (Allium cepa), garlic (Allium sativum), shallot (Allium cepa var. aggregatum), leek (Allium ampeloprasum).