Planting ‘Spring’ Onions

It is autumn, so time to plant some spring onions. Yup you read that right. Since we try to be as self sufficient as possible that also means growing greens all year round. At least, as much as possible and as long as possible. That is why I planted spring onions a few weeks ago. Spring onions are a lovely green that can add a nice onion flavour to soups, dishes and some spice to salads. Since we are almost running out of our cucumbers and tomatoes, some additions to our salads are more than welcome. 

Back home, I helped my dad out in our vegetable garden, though we never planted spring onions. So, this was a first for me. In this article I will show you how I planted them and how they are looking now. 

First I cleared some space in the greenhouse by removing some old tomato plants. Thereafter, I mixed some or our fertile soil with the existing soil and some sand to give the onions a nice place to grow. I planted the onions a few centimeters apart from each other in a diamond shape as you can see in the first picture. 

Now, a few weeks later and the onion is ready for harvesting whenever needed. Yummy!

Written by Camil