Heating with Fire: Fireplace as a Sustainable Alternative

In a time when climate change and rising energy costs are becoming increasingly prominent, heating with a fireplace offers an eco-friendly and cost-effective solution.

Sustainable Wood Source

For our project, we use wood sourced from scraps from our construction sites as well as fallen trees from the forest. This approach reduces waste and contributes to forest maintenance. We saw the wood to the right size using a table saw for efficient use in the fireplace.

Sustainable Kindling

To ignite the fireplace, we use paper and cardboard waste that we collect. Additionally, we utilize sawdust and wood shavings from tree trunks that we have processed with a machete during construction. This method maximizes resource utilization and minimizes waste.

Ash as a Valuable Byproduct

The ash from our fireplace is collected and used for our chickens. It allows the chickens to bathe in a sand and ash mixture, helping them to disinfect themselves and protect against parasites. This promotes their health and well-being.

Advantages of Heating with a Fireplace

  1. Eco-Friendly: Heating with wood is a renewable energy source. Sustainably sourced wood contributes to reducing CO2 emissions.
  2. Cozy Atmosphere: A fireplace provides warmth and creates a cozy atmosphere that makes a home more inviting.
  3. Independence: By using wood, we are less affected by fluctuations in energy prices.
  4. Easy to Use: Fireplace stoves are easy to operate and allow everyone to learn how to efficiently manage wood.


Heating with fire in the fireplace is a sustainable alternative that offers many benefits for quality of life. By utilizing waste from our construction sites and natural resources, we actively contribute to environmental protection and create a warm, inviting atmosphere. Additionally, recycling the ash ensures meaningful use of all materials and promotes the well-being of our chickens

By Sarah K.