We have a tractor that has a trailer. (I also drove that vehicle, super different than a car, for me not that interesting to drive). Near to a place, there…Continue readingFire wood
In an older post, I mentioned, that we are using chestnuts for washing. The good part is that we do not have to pay for it, because we can collect…Continue readingCollecting Chestnuts
During my second week of volunteering at Vegetarium, I became more involved in the ongoing construction projects. We have two major builds happening simultaneously: the “upper construction,” a large wooden…Continue readingImproving Construction Skills
One group of woods we are using for building is collected from the forest. Every wood that is collected is already felt down. We are not cutting wood which is…Continue readingWood peeling
For a small house, we use clay outside. There are some methods we should follow: Need to water the material where we want to use the clay The dry clay…Continue readingClay