The Way Down

The closest civilisation to vegetarium project is the village of Cerovo which even if being a small locality it has the privilege of having a train station that connects directly with Sofia. This is the main way of transport that we use as volunteers. However the way down for a newcomer might be a bit tricky. it is very important to know the indications to follow before you decide to embark in a descending hike to the village.

For an observative person the way will be very straightforward as it is mainly just following a path which goes down. However if you don’t feel confident enough you can always search for the indications in the trees which are drawn in the form of a yellow stripe between two white ones. Sometimes they are a bit difficult to find however if you take your tome without getting nervous you will definitely find it.

There’s one moment that all hikers should have in mind and this is the curves. In the lower part of the route in the forest there are some curves that seem confusing as in some cases the path seems to divide into two. At this moment if you’re descending just keep going in the way that goes down which is really clear, however if you’re ascending please find the marks on the trees or rocks as described before to make sure you took the right path.

Finally I advise you not to do this path at night or in bad weather conditions, however it is normal to have this situation in winter. In this case make sure that you have a decent flashlight fully charged as your phone should be. Also please if you go down and you have to go later up please remember key points in the way and don’t hesitate to mark with rocks and sticks the places that you think could generate you some confusion on the way back.

Knowing all of this you should feel confident to do this way as in reality after times you will really learn it. However it is always advised to follow the instructions listed here.

Ivan Herrera