Improving Construction Skills

During my second week of volunteering at Vegetarium, I became more involved in the ongoing construction projects. We have two major builds happening simultaneously: the “upper construction,” a large wooden structure located uphill, and the “pioneers house” lower down the same hill, constructed from natural materials like local wood and clay sourced from the surroundings.

My main focus has been the upper construction, where I’ve made the most progress. Before this experience, I couldn’t even use a screwdriver, so it’s incredible how quickly I’ve picked up new skills. The learning process has been surprisingly fast and enjoyable, though I still have much more to master. What’s been even more impactful for me is not just the work itself, but how I’ve learned to use my body more effectively.

The upper construction is a three-story building without stable floors yet, only the wooden base for future flooring. Working on the roof, balancing on ladders in this environment, has been a real challenge. While it might sound risky, with proper safety precautions in place, I’ve found it to be an exciting and rewarding experience.

I’m genuinely grateful for the opportunity to challenge myself in ways I never anticipated. While I don’t see construction as part of my future career, the knowledge I’m gaining is invaluable. As Francis Bacon said, “knowledge is power,” and I truly feel empowered by these new skills and experiences.

Ivan Herrera Topchevod