
The idea is to make ghee was mine. I learned this back in Hungary and I wanted to show it here also. The other name is cleaned butter because we remove all the “unnecessary” parts of the butter.

How to make it?
• We put a lot of butter (my experience is at least 1kg) into a pot and start boiling it on low-fire
• In time foam started to build up in the top
• We should stay next to the pot all time long
• With a spoon, we remove all the foam into a jar or something (later this foam can be used for skin)
• If no more foam is coming up and we see its gold color, that means it’s ready (it usually takes 1 hour or more)
• We collect them into jars and wait till the temperatures cool down.

This can be used for breakfast and cooking. This is good for the joints and the body overall.
