Everything has its time and its place

Evening meetings are also part of our routine. They change their time depending on the sunsets, which means it’s always the right time 🙂 These meetings also have an element of integration and organization, although the latter more takes the form of a summary. Just like in the morning, it is a time to share what is inside us, express our needs, the inconveniences we face, but also express gratitude and see what we managed to do that day. It’s time to summarize and cross out the activities we have done from the “to do” list, or move them to another date, or reorganize what we haven’t managed to do. Once a week there is also time for more in-depth organization. Our system is mainly based on tables, which I think are worth paying some attention to. The main, large board consists of three elements.

1. Daily tasks – This is a schedule with the days of the week, where each day there is one person responsible for cooking and one for making smoothies and salads. In this category we can also find information about the days on which individual people have days off. One of the additional elements is morning practice, everyone can propose some together activities as part of the morning complex and enter them for a speciic day of the week so that everyone can remember about it.

2. Weekly tasks – These are the tasks that a person is responsible for throughout the week. All the most important tasks that are permanent and necessary for the proper functioning of our environment are listed here. Here you will find tasks such as taking care of animals, cleaning, watering and many others.

3.Timetable – This is the most basic plan for every day. Specifies, among others hours of morning and evening meetings (which change with the seasons), approximate times of meals, work and together practices.

There is another board that helps us stay productive. It is a slightly smaller board with additional tasks written on it that anyone can complete if they get lost in their workday or are bored and need something to do. The system of this table is very simple. It consists of a space for a short description of the task, next to it there is a space for the final deadline (and next to it possibly the letter of the person who decided to take care of this task). Each task has its own dot, which during or at the end of the day turns into one of the symbols described below.

Written by Joanna